Adapting and Embedding: Making the Rubric Work for You

Facilitator-in-Training: Beckie Bray Rankin

Independent Learning Strategies header

Date: Tuesday, March 5, 2024 at 7:00pm – 8:30pm Eastern Time

Teaching towards proficiency includes assessing students via authentic tasks. In a world driven by grades, how do we shift the conversation towards incorporating feedback and including processes for reflection as steps on the journey towards proficiency? Well-crafted rubrics embedded into the curriculum offer clear and consistent expectations for a variety of authentic assessments at different levels of proficiency. This 90-minute webinar opens the door to harnessing the power of rubrics to benefit students’ growth through strategies to adapt, create, and integrate rubrics into the norms of the class.

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Beckie Bray Rankin

Beckie began her teaching career in 2007 as District Coordinator and French teacher at a charter network in Washington, DC after completing undergraduate studies at Boston University where she earned a BA in French and a BS in Teaching Foreign Languages. After Beckie completed her MAEd in French Education at Wake Forest University (NC) in 2010, Beckie spent a year in West Africa leading and teaching French with a humanitarian homestay program. A French teacher at Lexington High School (MA) since her return, she coordinates the francophone exchange program. She is the Past President of MaFLA, President of the AATF Eastern Massachusetts Board, LILL Advocate Booster, and on the NECTFL board. Beckie has published and presented in numerous venues, and loves to connect.